What Does A Chiropractor Do And When Should You See One

Woman performing chiropractic treatment on patient

Living with chronic pain whether that be back pain, neck pain or joint pain can be uncomfortable to experience as you go about your daily routine. It may be surprising to find out that a quarter of the UK adult population report living with chronic pain, this could be due to an illness, injury or lifestyle that contributes to this. Arranging a doctor’s appointment can be off putting for a lot of people… If you get an appointment that is. With the NHS being stretched it’s almost impossible to see a medical professional which is why many adults choose to live with these conditions, often thinking that by the time they are able to see a doctor, the pain may go away on its own. Yet you run the risk of the pain getting worse without receiving the professional treatment that your body needs to recover.

Luckily, there are other options you can take to start your recovery journey, such as seeing a chiropractor who can work on your muscles and spine to help relieve pain and improve your manoeuvrability. Starting treatment when you don’t know what to expect can be a daunting experience. Therefore the team at Active Care Chiropractic have put together this blog on what chiropractors do, and what to expect from your first chiropractic session.

So if you’ve been wondering when to see a chiropractor, we’re here to help. Keep reading as we answer the question: what does a chiropractor do? So you can find the solution to the pain or discomfort you’re experiencing.

What Does A Chiropractor Do

Chiropractors are rising in popularity and are more accessible than ever before with 3,432 registered in the UK at the end of 2021. Even with the rise in popularity you may be asking yourself, what do chiropractors do? 

What chiropractors do will depend on the practitioner you go to. A chiropractor is a trained professional that practises many treatments to the body including adjustments to the alignment of your spine, to alleviate pain in your muscles and joints, relieve stress as well as helping to treat migraines. Chiropractic treatment allows you to avoid taking medication whilst speeding up your body’s healing time and helping limit the chance of the injury reoccurring in the future.

What do chiropractors do? Chiropractors focus on the underlying issue that is causing pain or discomfort in the body by caring for your neuromusculoskeletal system. Muscles, nerves, bones, tendons and ligaments can all be treated by the help of a chiropractor. They will perform various techniques such as adjustments to help restore normal movement in the body. What chiropractors do will depend on the professional you choose to see, so it’s important to do your research before booking a session.
Active Care Chiropractic stands out because of the range of techniques they provide, including the innovative red light therapy. This works by using red light to change the cells, helping them become more healthy and energetic. This is a non-invasive treatment that uses low level wavelengths of red light to stimulate cellular function and promote healing. This can help with various problems such as reducing inflammation, alleviating pain and accelerating tissue repair. Take a look at Active Care for more information on this ground-breaking treatment.

Why See A Chiropractor

Seeking chiropractic treatment is one of the best things you can do for your body to treat pain naturally. It doesn’t just treat your symptoms like taking painkillers, but gets to the root of the underlying problem. Living with pain is unpleasant and you should definitely consider seeing a medical or healthcare professional in order to improve the quality of your life, and for you to get back to normal. 

When To See A Chiropractor

Deciding if it’s time to see a chiropractor is the first step you can take towards a pain free life. If you are dealing with symptoms such as joint pain that’s persistent and won’t seem to go away on its own, then there might be an underlying problem that a chiropractor can help with. Nobody should have to live with pain, and doing so may make it worse, seeking treatment is something that you should definitely consider if your problems aren’t getting any better.

If you have recently been injured then this may be the time to start seeking chiropractic treatment. This will make sure your body is healing properly, help you recover faster, and alleviate any pain caused by the injury. 

 Here are some signs that may mean that you need to see a chiropractor:

Persistent lower back pain:

One of the most common reasons that people visit chiropractors is for lower back pain. If you are experiencing constant or recurring lower back pain, especially if the pain doesn’t improve with rest, stretching or by taking over the counter pain relievers, then this is a strong sign that you may need to see a chiropractor. This type of pain can be anywhere from sharp throbbing to a dull ache, often accompanied with stiffness.

Chiropractors specialise in diagnosing and treating this condition through various different techniques that aim to relieve excessive pressure on the nerves as well as improve the overall health of the spine. If your chronic lower back pain isn’t improving with conventional treatments, then a chiropractor can help to alleviate discomfort.

Joint Pain and Stiffness:

If you’re wondering when to see a chiropractor, joint pain and stiffness could be an indicator. If you start to notice ongoing pain, swelling or stiffness in your joints that limits your rage of motion and interrupts your daily activities, it could indicate an underlying issue that needs professional attention. These symptoms could affect your knees, hips, shoulders or any other joints.

Chiropractors, such as our lovely professionals here at Active Care, can help alleviate issues with the joints through techniques like soft tissue therapy and even using technology like red light therapy to help reduce inflammation in the joints, improve joint function and relieve pain. This can be an effective approach to overcoming persistent joint problems. 

Recent Injury:

Experiencing any injury can be a sign that you need to see a chiropractor. If you have fallen victim to sports injuries, a fall or a car accident you will likely be in a lot of pain after, while your body recovers. This pain can become more severe leading to limited mobility and discomfort that persists beyond the initial healing period. You may notice bruising, swelling and soreness in the injured areas.

Depending on how serious they are, recovering from injuries can take a long time especially if said injuries have caused more serious issues such as sprains or tissue damage that can take longer to heal. Chiropractors can help reduce pain as well as help your body recover faster from injuries. Early chiropractic intervention can prevent long-term complications and ensure a smoother recovery process, rather than just masking the problem with alternative standard treatments such as medication.

Chronic Headaches/Migraines:

Headaches and migraines can be seriously debilitating and can actually be caused by spinal issues such as poor posture, especially pain that starts at the base of the skull and radiates from your neck. This can be hard to live with as the symptoms can get in the way of your quality of life, including throbbing pain, sensitivity to light or sound, and feeling sick.

Chiropractors can relieve the tension in the neck and spine that could be the cause of these headaches, which can lead to a reduced frequency and intensity of said migraines. Chiropractors may also provide advice on posture and stress management which can help to prevent headaches occuring in the future.

Poor posture:

If you’re wondering when to see a chiropractor, having bad posture is a popular reason. Frequent slouching, hunching over or experiencing pain after sitting or standing for extended periods could be a sign that you have poor posture. Some symptoms you should look out for.are rounded shoulders (when your shoulders resting position is more forward), a forward head (when your head is leaning more forward out of alignment with the spine), or a noticeable curvature in your spine. 

Poor posture doesn’t just cause discomfort, but it can lead to other health problems and pain that can become more serious, which is why it’s important to see a chiropractor if you have this. They can perform stretching and exercise techniques to strengthen your muscles and improve your posture. Having good posture can lead to a reduction in pain and better health.

Limited Range of Motion:

If you notice you have difficulty moving your neck, shoulders, back or limbs as freely as normal, then that’s a clear sign that something is wrong. You might even feel tightness, stiffness or a feeling of being locked up when trying to perform normal movements.

Chiropractic care can help to restore your range of motion with stretching and other techniques that improve flexibility and reduce stiffness, allowing you to move more freely and comfortably.

Numbness or Tingling:

Feeling the sensation of pins and needles could be a sign of a trapped nerve. You may feel numbness or tingling in your arms, legs, hands or feet which could indicate nerve irritation or compression. You may even experience these sensations with pain, which can be extremely uncomfortable to live with.

This is when to see a chiropractor as they can help to alleviate the tension nerves may be under by improving your alignment. Stretching techniques can also be used to help release the pinched nerve as well as prevent them occurring in the future. Chiropractors are known for helping improve posture, which can also help with compressed nerves. 

Muscle Weakness:

Unexplained weakness in the muscles is a frustrating condition to deal with as it limits your ability to perform everyday tasks. It can also be a sign of a more serious condition in your body so it’s important you get it checked out. You may also find that it’s difficult to lift objects, walk up the stairs or even maintain balance.

If your muscle weakness is caused by nerve compressions a chiropractor can help with your alignment and posture to help release your nerves from any excessive pressure. They can also recommend exercises that help strengthen the affected muscles, so you will start to notice an improvement in your daily life.

Recurring Pain or Discomfort:

If you are experiencing unexplained pain that keeps coming back or won’t go away a chiropractor may be able to help. Especially if the recurring pain or discomfort is causing disruptions to your daily routine or sleep, this is when to see a chiropractor as it is affecting your life.

Since there could be an underlying issue that’s leading to pain, a chiropractor can address this by working to solve the cause of your discomfort. Treatments such as red light therapy are great for this as it helps to reduce inflammation in the body and promote cell repair.

An image of a woman experiencing back pain

What Does A Chiropractor Do For Lower Back Pain And Other Symptoms

Headaches, back pain and neck pain are just a few of the symptoms a chiropractor can help treat. Chiropractors help alleviate pain by mobilising your spine, this then takes pressure off your joints when your body is more balanced. If you’re into a particular sport, then unfortunately you may fall subject to a range of sports injuries that may affect your performance. This is why seeking treatment from a chiropractor could benefit you massively as you will be able to recover from your sports injury faster than if you were to let it heal on its own, which will get you back to doing what you love in no time. 

Lower back pain is one of the most common reasons someone would seek treatment from a chiropractor. This can be caused by poor posture or an injury. There are different treatments that a chiropractor may offer, one of the most frequent treatments is manipulating the spine, which will not only relieve the pain but also improve mobility.

Working on a laptop or being glued to your phone can contribute to poor posture; this can lead to excessive pressure put on your neck and back and can lead to pain in this area. You would benefit from seeking chiropractic treatment as they can perform adjustments to improve your spine, which will improve your posture dramatically and may reduce the risk of damaging the joints in your body. 

Frequent headaches can also benefit from this treatment. This is a better alternative than taking medication as the cause of the problem is seen to rather than just masking the problem with painkillers.

Persistent pain in your muscles and joints can also be a sign you need to seek treatment from a professional, as excessive stress put on your joints can lead to you experiencing pain. If this continues you can start to develop more serious problems that cause damage and take longer to heal. That’s why it’s a good idea to try and treat this before it leads to any further injuries and improve the mobility in your joints.

What Does A Chiropractor Do To Treat Pain

There are plenty of specialist treatments that chiropractors use to help treat any problematic symptoms you’re experiencing thus relieving pain. One of the most popular services that chiropractors offer are adjustments, which are done by manipulating the spine and regaining lost movement which then restores normal function to the joints.

Each chiropractic clinic will specialise in their own set of treatments, so it’s important to do your research beforehand so you know whether that specific chiropractor is the right one for you. Active Care Chiropractic offers a variety of different specialist treatments that could benefit you including: active release techniques, photobiomodulation, elastic therapeutic taping and many more. You can see more of their specialist techniques on the Active Care Chiropractic website.

What Do Doctors Think Of Chiropractors?

With chiropractors being able to provide effective treatments through their valuable services for their patients, many doctors have a positive view of chiropractors. As they’re trained to diagnose and treat neuromuscular disorders through spinal adjustments and manipulations, which helps to alleviate pain and improves the function of the body. Often, chiropractors work closely with doctors in order to provide the best outcome for their patients through specialised treatment. Being in the healthcare field, doctors recognise the value of chiropractors, and appreciate their work with their patients.

An image of a woman receiving chiropractic treatment

What To Expect From A Chiropractic Session

Seeing a chiropractor for the first time may seem like a daunting experience when you don’t know what to expect, that’s why choosing the right chiropractor that you feel comfortable with is important, so you can continue your sessions with ease as you start your journey towards a pain free life. All Chiropractors are certified and registered with the General Chiropractic Council (GCC) which means you’re in safe, experienced hands. Every clinic will run their sessions differently; at Active Care Chiropractic we will offer you a physical examination, and discuss with you your history to find out what’s going on and pinpoint the pain you’re experiencing. We will then tailor a treatment plan specifically for you, so you can start undergoing sessions with us. Our aim is for you to feel as good as you possibly can in your own body, so relieving any pain is a good place to start.

active care team photo
Feel Better Today!

Book your chiropractic or red light therapy session with us today!